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A Teacher's Guide for Introductory AI

AI is becoming a critical skill for all future jobs. It has already penetrated our lives in different applications such as Alexa, text auto-correct etc. Help your student get ahead in this exciting topic!

Curriculum Overview

Why teach your students AI? 

AI is becoming a critical skill for all future jobs. It has already penetrated our lives in different applications such as Alexa, text auto-correct etc. Help your student get ahead in this exciting topic by learning to build custom AIs services. Students will learn what Artificial Intelligence is, learn different types of AI algorithms, and create applications that are published online and can be shared with anyone over the internet.

Who is this course for?

This sample of free activities has no prerequisite programming skills. It can also be used by elementary, middle and high school students as an introductory course before they move on to deeper concepts.

This curriculum has been used by many middle and high school students and has received an overwhelmingly positive response. This unique way of teaching AI through building and interaction with it makes this course interesting and engaging for middle school students. If you are interested in going deeper and teaching AI in the classroom, you can purchase our curriculums here.

Who is this Guide for?

This Guide prepares teachers on how to introduce Artificial Intelligence to their students. This guide contains a gentle introduction to AI. You can find a comprehensive curriculum for an introductory AI course here, along with all the necessary information for teachers to lead their students through the material.

Is it easy to learn AI?

AI is easy to learn with the right tools . We provide a tool that is easy to use and does not require any previous knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI), programming or mathematics. Anyone can build an AI from data in minutes with a few clicks of a mouse. This enables kids to get interested in this otherwise complex field without first having to learn a lot of programming or mathematics. This also increases their interest in learning programming and mathematics as they can see what they can build with it!

Most other AI courses start from the bottom up, i.e. they first teach mathematics, then the AI algorithms. Likewise, most of the software tools available require a lot of computer science and programming knowledge to use. Students have to learn a lot of both before they can use and appreciate even the most basic AI techniques.

This course takes the opposite approach. Anyone, even those with no mathematics background or programming experience, can use our tools to build and use AI to do common tasks in minutes, and do many AI projects before adding any math or code. As a student learns more programming or math (either or both is fine), they can apply these new skills to learn more about the AI internals or build larger applications.

For those who want to learn more and grow their AI expertise, our platform provides a progressive curriculum. Over time, students can learn more about the details of AI, the algorithms, how to use AI with courses, etc. The tools they use are the same as those used by professionals, so this learning will carry them to any AI use they may want to do in advanced courses or in the workforce.

Our team has decades of experience in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and is passionate about enabling everyone to be able to learn and benefit from this fundamental technology that is changing our world.

Lesson Structure

This sample course consists of 6 free activities including videos, exercises and discussion. Details of each activity are described in the corresponding section.

Lesson Plan

• 5 Videos

• 1 Exercise

• Discussions

• Introduction to AI in our lives

• How AIs can see (using Camera)

• Build an AI

Check it out here

• 3 Videos

• 1 Exercise 

• Discussions


• How are AIs different from a robot

• AIs and Robots: A powerful combination

• Try an AI that can detect objects

Check it out here

• 3 Videos

• 2 Exercises 

• Discussions


• Digital Assistants

• AIs that can have conversations with humans

• Build a sentiment analysis AI

Check it out here

• 3 Videos

• 2 Exercises 

• Discussions


• What is AI Bias?

• Drawbacks of AI

• Demonstrate the drawbacks with a image classification AI

• Build an AI to illustrate Bias

Check it out here

Activity 5: AI to Predict House Prices

• 3 Videos

• 2 Exercises

• Discussions


• How Zillow used AI in Business

• Data collection for training an AI

• Build an AI to predict house prices

Check it out here

Activity 6: Build a KNN AI

• 2 Videos

• 1 Exercise

• Discussions

This activity may need knowledge of AI Basics for a deeper understanding. You can find the curriculum for it here

• Introduction to KNN algorithm

• Dataset to predict Adult vs Child

• Build an AI using KNN

Check it out here

Using this free sample, the teacher can prepare and plan the specific schedule and rollout of each activity. To get material for full curriculum, please checkout more information here.

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